64TO66.ZIP Converts APRS64 to APRS66 without unnecessary file duplications.
65BTO66.ZIP Contains necessary files to update APRS65b to APRS66.Only changed or new files are included.
ADVM95A.ZIP Advance Class Manager 95 for Windows.
AIRMAR95.ZIP Aviation and other HF-SSB frequencies.
AMSAT.ZIP AmSat Bulletins.
APRS65.ZIP Real-Time Packet Tactical Communications and does not need GPS or any tracking devices.
APRSDOC.ZIP Helps NEW and OLD users of the APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) to install and use the system effectively.without having to wade thru the massive program documents.
ARLB.ZIP ARLB Bulletins.
ARLD.ZIP DX News Bulletins.
ARLK.ZIP ARRL Keplerian Bulletins.
ARLP.ZIP ARRL Propagation Bulletins.
ARLS.ZIP ARLS Satellite News.
ARLX.ZIP ARRL Special Bulletins.
ARN_0295.ZIP AmateurRadio Net(sm) February 1995 Information Pack. If you have any users interested in Amateur Radio, SWL, Scanners or Citizen Band this is the net for you!
ARPD115.ZIP Amateur Radio Packet Door v1.15. Allows Land-Line BBS users to use Packet Radio online. Includes HELP and CHAT modes. Works with any BBS package that will generate a DORINFO1.DEF file.
BPQ408A.ZIP G8BPQ AX25 Networking Package. Allows an IBM PC, or similar machine, equiped with suitable Communications hardware, to act as a Node in a NET/ROM compatible AX25 network, and/or to support a multiuser Mailbox.
CAFRICA.ZIP Channel Africa SWBC Sked - Valid to 03/25/95.
CALLVER2.ZIP Calls v2.0. Keeps track of the callsigns of the people you talk to.
DOVEDV12.ZIP Dove Telemetry Decoder v1.2 for Windows.
DUVTLM10.ZIP Dove's Telemetry Decoder v1.0. Decode Telemetry received from Oscar-17 (Aka Dove) Satellite using packet TNC and simple terminal program to store data into a text file.
FDDCLP30.ZIP Down and Dirty Conversion from Paper to Computer Logging Program for use in the ARRL Field Day Contest.
FLEA0311.ZIP W1GSL's huge New England hamfest list 3-95.
FSC_0081.ZIP Type-3 Packet Proposal.
HAMFTZ03.ZIP HAMFTZ v.03 beta by HB9HFN. Ionospheric propagation predictions.
HAMRIP1.ZIP HAM RIP Screens from DataTek BBS with language file. Text search DATATEK for more great screens.
ID_WT524.ZIP Id Logic World-Time Clock.
IRAN.ZIP Radio Iran SWBC Winter/95 SKED.
IRTS.ZIP IRTS Bulletins.
KENTRL50.ZIP Kenwood Crontroller v5.0.
KFBS.ZIP KFBS Saipan SWBC Winter/95 Sked.
KTWR.ZIP KTWR Guam SWBC Winter/95 Sked.
LIU95BT2.ZIP Beta-test version of LIU95 - Packet for Windows, a general purpose Packet terminal & PMS program, for use on the amateur radio AX25 packet network, with most of the usual features found in packet programs.
MSCAN20P.ZIP MicroScan v2.0. The SSTV & FAX program now supports TRUE COLOR (16.8 M colors) RX & TX in all popular SSTV & FAX modes. Uses simple OPAMP-based interface.
NAVTEX1.ZIP NavTex 518 Khz Listing by Geographical area.
NAVTEX2.ZIP NavTex 518 Khz Listing by Station callsign.
PROWIN16.ZIP Procat v1.1 for Windows. Allows many different transceiver types to be controlled under Windows.
QLOGE204.ZIP Amateur Radio logging program by IK5HGL.
QRPLIST.ZIP QRP Club Listings - v0.96 02/15/95.
RAC.ZIP RAC Spcl News Bulletins.
RADSERV.ZIP Radio Control server for Versatrk v1.0 Win/NT.
RMOBS018.ZIP Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin #018 February 1995.
RMOBS019.ZIP Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin #019 March 1995.
RNZI.ZIP Radio New Zealand SWBC Sked - 10/94 - 03/95.
RS15KEPS.ZIP RS--15 Keps 01/20/95.
RSGB.ZIP RSGB Bulletins.
R_AUSSIE.ZIP Radio Australia SWBC Sked - effective 12/26/94.
R_BRASIL.ZIP Radiobra SWBC Sked (01/22/95).
R_PAPUA.ZIP Radio Papua SWBC Sked.
R_PRAGUE.ZIP Radio Prague SWBC Sked - effective 01/01/95.
SATRKV30.ZIP Satellite tracker v3.0 for Unix/Linux.
SCANM120.ZIP The Scanman's Handbook v12.00. Thousands of radio frequencies and codes for Southern California. Frequencies for Police, Fire, Sheriff, Medical, CHP, and Government.
SCDX.ZIP Sweden Calling DXs.
SDI700.ZIP Super Duper Iota Logging Program.
SKEDMN10.ZIP Scheduler for Kentrol50. Tune freq, mode at preselected time for.
SKYRIDER.ZIP SkyRider v1.1. Simplifies the use of your 1278 multimode controller. Instead of requiring you to memorize a large number of commands, all you need to do is "point and click" to easy-to-use icons and buttons on the screen.
SMWIN201.ZIP Smart R8 Control for Windows v2.01. Control program for the Drake R8 receiver.
SWLGUIDE.ZIP Short Wave Radio Listening Guide. Real-Time directory of programs and stations for short wave listeners.
SWLIT119.ZIP SWLOGit v1.19. The ONLY program shortwave listeners will ever need. This program is just loaded with features. Options: Exceptional Logger. Extensive Search of Database. Report Script Writer.
SWRAD35.ZIP SWRadio v3.5. Build a sensitive shortwave receiver for less than $5. Complete info, including schematics and parts sources.
TL950228.ZIP Elements for satellite tracking programs as of 02/28/95.
TSN.ZIP Tele Satellite News.
TURKEY.ZIP Voice of Turkey SWBC Sked effective to 03/25/94.
TVRO13.ZIP TVRO Assistant v1.3. Application for calculating look angles, focal length, f/D ratio and declination for home satellite dish antennas. User-accessable database with up to 100 satellites.
UCALLS.ZIP Univ. Calls & info - v.06 02/14/95.
UNIVCALL.ZIP Listing of Call-signs held by Univesities.
VETESTS.ZIP Nation-wide Vet testing opportunities.
VE_EXAMS.ZIP Nation-wide Vet testing opportunities.
WEATHR.ZIP WeatherGraphix (formerly Weather Pro and RadarScan) is a full color EGA/VGA-graphics program which plots high-resolution weather graphic charts.
WINELECT.ZIP Electronic Calculation Program v2.0 for Windows.